Photo of Louis Vlahos

Louis Vlahos

Louis Vlahos practices tax law and has extensive experience in corporate, individual and partnership income taxation, and in estate and gift taxation, including tax planning, ruling requests and tax controversy.

Not So Happy Law

If given their druthers, most transactional corporate attorneys would prefer to spend their day practicing “happy law,” by which they typically mean transactions that involve capital formation, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, business restructurings, and other collaborative-type projects in which the parties have clearly delineated goals, there are definite beginning and end points to the project, and the project is expected to be completed within a relatively short time frame.

The odds are pretty good, however, that a transactional lawyer in the so-called “middle market” will, over the course of their career, become involved in several disputes among the shareholders of a closely held corporation.Continue Reading When A Shareholder Loses Control of Their S Corporation

Match Made in Heaven

There is no denying that many parts of the Code are complex and, in some cases, too obscure for many “laypersons” to comprehend.[ii] Over time, this reality spawned the need for advisers who are both knowledgeable and experienced in the ways of the Code.[iii]

Yet, even within this group of learned individuals,[iv] there are many for whom certain chapters and subchapters of the Code recall the opening of Dante’s Inferno: “I found myself within a forest dark, For the straightforward pathway had been lost.”[v]Continue Reading Taxing A Foreigner’s Sale of a Partnership Interest – Déjà Vu All Over Again[i]

Bon Voyage?

Over the last couple of years, several of my friends have become citizens of the country from which their parents emigrated to the U.S.[i]

Also during that period, some acquaintances took advantage of the so-called “golden visa” programs still being offered by a handful of European Union members.[ii]

A few clients gave up their U.S. citizenship, or their status as permanent residents of the U.S. (green card holders), and paid the resulting exit tax.[iii]Continue Reading Swapping Foreign Real Properties On a Tax Deferred Basis

Help Us Forget

Having been swept along for nine days “by the force of the hostile winds on the fishy sea,” Odysseus and his crew came to a strange land. After securing their ships, Odysseus sent some of his “companions ahead, telling them to find out what men . . . might live here in this country.” They came upon the Lotus Eaters, a people “who live upon . . . the honey-sweet fruit of the lotus.”[i] Those crew members who ate of the fruit were left in a state of bliss, forgetting all else, including an urgency to return home to Ithaca.[ii]Continue Reading Tax Considerations and the Reclassification of Marijuana – We’re Not There Yet

Almost That Time

In less than four months, the citizens of the United States[i] will be electing their next President to a four-year term.[ii] They will also be deciding which of the two major political parties will “control” the Senate, the House, or both, for at least the next two years.[iii]

In other words, the composition of two of the three branches of the federal government – specifically, those responsible for determining the direction of the country, and perhaps the world – will soon be up for grabs.Continue Reading The Supreme Court’s Non-Opinion On The “Realization” of Income – A Lost Opportunity?


You may have heard or even read about the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision regarding the date of death value[i] of a deceased shareholder’s shares in a closely held corporation that owned a life insurance policy on the decedent’s life, the proceeds of which the corporation used to redeem the decedent’s shares from their estate.[ii]   

The significance of the decision for the shareholders of many closely held corporations is belied by the brevity of the Court’s opinion and the relative absence of any “technical” analysis.[iii]Continue Reading Funding the Buyout of a Deceased Shareholder With Corporate-Owned Life Insurance – Did the Court Decide Connelly Correctly?

Mere Change in Form

It is a basic principle of the income tax that the gain or loss realized by a taxpayer from the conversion of property into cash, or from the exchange of property for other property that differs materially in kind from the exchanged property, is treated as realized income or loss.

Moreover, the general rule with respect to such realized gain or loss is that the entire amount thereof is recognized for purposes of determining the taxpayer’s income tax liability,[i] except in cases where the Code specifically provides otherwise.[ii]Continue Reading Trust Beneficiary Engages In Like Kind Exchange Using Trust Property

You Mess With The Bull . . .

An anonymous thinker, lost to history, is credited with having said that the unofficial motto of the IRS is, “We have what it takes to take what you have.”

In some instances, the truth of the above statement is manifested in what may be described by certain observers as an abuse of governmental power. In other cases, however, like that of the Taxpayers described below,[i] many members of the public will feel vindicated by the outcome, while probably many more will categorically approve of a bad actor’s having received their just deserts.[ii]Continue Reading Collecting an Individual’s Unpaid Taxes from Their Controlled Entities

“Let’s make sure if they move, they have nowhere else to go because we’re all taxing them together.”[i]

Around the Globe

Earlier this year, the OECD observed there has been a significant increase in global wealth inequality over the last two decades. It also acknowledged that “taxation is a key instrument . . . that governments have at their disposal to address inequalities.” It added that, as “countries are looking for additional revenue sources to meet their long-term public spending needs,” it will be important to ensure “that everyone contributes their fair share,” specifically mentioning those individuals with “offshore wealth.”[ii]Continue Reading Tax Authorities of the World Unite? Not Quite, But the IRS Joins the Movement to Tax the Rich

Sale, or Contribution-Distribution?

Assume that X and Y agree to the following: X will transfer ownership of Prop to Y, and Y will transfer cash to X.

What just happened? Obviously, X has sold Prop to Y. If the amount of cash that X receives is greater than his adjusted basis in Prop (generally, his unrecovered investment in the property), then X will realize a taxable gain.Continue Reading Partnership Transactions Lacking Economic Substance or Business Purpose: Investor Beware